
ray heflin headshot

About Ray Heflin

Ray has lived in the Northwest Arkansas region for over 40 years and is well acquainted with this area and understand the unique qualities offered all around NWA.  He have been a strategic professional manager in multi-million dollar operations, with a primary focus on serving the customer daily. He is very passionate in helping clients find their dreams homes and is all about building lasting relationships with his clients. He is dedicated 24/7 to provide a World Class Level of service in every interaction.

Both Ray and his wife have raised their six children in Northwest Arkansas and now their families are doing the same.

Thanks to the support of his clients he is Ranked in the Top 100 Realtors year after year, and in 2019 he Ranked in the Top 20.

Ray has a strong talent to work with a diverse audience and his client base and learns their needs to locate the perfect home for their family.

If you or someone you know is considering selling your home, farm, purchasing a new home or wanting to invest in other real estate property, Ray is happy to assist you. Please feel free to call or text @ 479-721-3062 so he can help.